Why We Switched from Lead Pages to ClickFunnels

Jan 18, 2017

The essence of technology is efficiency and capacity. The move from Lead Pages to ClickFunnels is a simple result of making progress.

Yep. We bit the dust for Leadpages ! 🙂

We now use Click Funnels. We also use Josh Ratta’s IGloo App for — for one-off pages when we don’t want to use one of the 100 pages that come with the $97 subscription of Click Funnels. One of the features that I loved most about Leadpages was the SMS Opt-in Codes & 1-Click Signup Links. Well, that is available on ClickFunnels now so we saved an annual $588 by closing the Lead Pages account. Sweet!

Igloo is a non-subscription (one time purchase) product that will produce the HTML code that you upload directly to the cPanel of your domain. We built and with Igloo. We’ve tabled those two pages for the time being so the links and autoresponder stuffs there may need to be re-configured, but I am just putting them here as examples of what Igloo can do.

As you can see, Igloo pages have similar functionality like the Click Funnels page example found at As you might of guessed, our current focus is to streamline the products that we use and recommend as a part of an essential digital marketing strategy. If ever in doubt about the current recommendations, review the products that we follow at as we only follow products there that we currently use. Be sure to signup for the #pinkInsights newsletter above to stay up to date on current products, implementations and trainings for those particular products and services.

There are SO many tools, services and marketers out there shining their objects. Trust me! …we’ve tried a lion’s share of them looking for the best mix of price and functionality for part-time #christianbusiness (wo)men. We know that marketing #automation is key because time is an EXTREMELY limited resource for you. The four strategic keys to stabilizing your business income and building long-term business assets is:

  1. Lead Generation
  2. Lead Conversion
  3. Customer Ascension
  4. Customer Retention

…everything else just has to be second. If you can’t measure it, you probably should not be doing it. Period. We focus on direct response, budget conscious, effective systems and strategies that #hiretheweb for #leadGeneration and #salesautomation.

The evolution continues…

#hiretheweb #pagebuilder